Shipping Costs Inflate iPad 2 Prices

Shipping Costs Inflate iPad 2 Prices

Two weeks ago, I ordered an iPad 2 from the Apple store online. The iPad was back ordered for two weeks, and it finally shipped last Friday. Since the iPad shipped, I have been tracking the progress of the shipment via FedEx. The iPad shipped from China and arrived in Alaska, after which the package was sent from Alaska to Oakland, CA, a mere 30 minutes from my house. However, from Oakland the package was then sent to a distribution center in TENNESSEE, after which it will be sent BACK to California for delivery this Wednesday.

Now I know that there must be some sort of twisted logic behind this Alaska-California-Tennessee-California shipping route. But I shudder to think how much this wacky shipping route has inflated the price of the iPad 2. Even more so, I wonder what crazy route that the package containing my iPad would have taken had I not opted for the expedited shipping option. I would even have been willing to drive to Oakland to pick up my iPad if it meant not having to wait three additional days to get my iPad back from Tennessee! But like a dutiful slave to the Apple corporate machinery, I await the arrival of my iPad despite the evidence of corporate wastefulness and price inflation shown in the FedEx shipping log below:

Where to Find an iPad 2:

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